名前:瀬戸 紫英 (セトシオン) 生年月日:2003/1/16 年齢:18 はじめまして!兵庫県出身のセトシオンです。 好きな食べ物は焼き小籠包とスターバックスのパッションティー(ホワイトモカシロップ追加+50円)です。 好きな動物はアルパカです。将来はフェレットを飼いたいと思っています。13年間インターナショナルに通っていたので、国籍は日本人ですが、第一言語は英語です。 私がメディアコンテンツに興味を持ったのは中学生の頃です。もともとは撮影される側でしたが、最近では、撮影する側に魅力を感じています。自分で撮影した写真や映像を自分好みに編集するのが大好きです、! この奈良国際映画祭で、様々な方からの刺激を吸収して、たくさん活動できるよう頑張ります!よろしくお願いしますッ。 I began to spark passion for the arts at a young age. My art interests base in music, film and visual arts. When I was in middle school, I started to learn how to play the guitar, and soon began to song write. The idea of songwriting brought me into interest for script writing and story writing. Around the same time, I began photography. I took baby steps by just photographing the people and objects around me. I also engaged in school volunteering in the beginning of high school years- I worked as a promoter for the school, creating promotional videos and capturing moments at school events. I have been experimenting with video editing ever since. Gradually, I found many talented artists who would inspire me and my work, motivating me to also explore the portion of photoshop in photography as well. Throughout the years, I have been lucky to encounter many talented individuals who share the same interest, learning various techniques from them. I hope to continue to grow in the fields of film and photography. While being an International Baccalauréat student during my high school years, I made the choice of taking a visual arts class in a higher level. This two year experience allowed me to prevail my choices as an artist. Supplementing onto my photography hobby, I challenged to experiment in a wide range of mediums. The programme allowed myself to investigate in my artistic voice, in which I had found abstract art, and studied it as a way of expressing emotion, and found that this art style dipicted my artist voice most definitely. Overall, I find this internship experience at the Nara International Film Festival a way to build my artistic career as well as grow as an artist.